
Download kazaa peer to peer
Download kazaa peer to peer

download kazaa peer to peer

However, when using such applications, you must abide by the MITnet Rules of Use.

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  • Q: Can I use peer-to-peer applications such as Kazaa, Gnutella, Limewire, etc? A: MIT does not prohibit the use of such applications on the network and recognizes the many legal benefits of P2P software.
  • While P2P software has many legal uses, it is often used for unauthorized sharing and downloading of copyrighted materials such as music, films, video games and software.

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    Q: What is peer-to-peer software? A: Peer-to-peer (P2P) software is any file-sharing software that allows users to both share content from their computers and to connect to other, similarly configured computers for the purpose of downloading content.

    Download kazaa peer to peer